Favorite Japanese Snack

I don't think it's really considered a "snack", but certainly could here in America, is the classic Rice Ball!  They're so simple to make and just one or two  will give you that satisfaction you're tummy is craving!  And they're so versatile in how they're made!

  1. Pop your cooked rice into a nice mixing bowl. Add the furikake or rice flavouring and mix through evenly. Separate the rice into equal portions, big enough to be a large handful each.
  2. Wet your hands with water and rub together with a pinch or two of salt. This stops the rice sticking to your hands and helps keep it fresher for longer.
  3. Take up one portion of rice in your hands.
  4. If you are hiding some fillings inside, here is where you make an indent, place the ingredients inside and fold the rice over, then lightly press into a ball.
  5. Using mainly your fingertips while resting the rice on your palm, start to press and squeeze the rice into a triangular shape, rotating as you go so it’s even.
  6. Place a slice of nori on the bottom of the onigiri (the rough side should face the rice) and fold it up towards to the middle of the onigiri.
(Original recipe found:  here.)
